Platinum package
1 on 1 On-site Personal Connection ($5,000 value)
One of the most difficult things about conferences, is taking the information you’ve been given and implementing it into your everyday life. When you sign up for Platinum coaching, Stevo will take a day, fly to your work or home and live through your actual day with you. It happens with all of us - we are so close to our life and our situation, that we can’t see the forest for the trees. In those circumstances, it helps to step back and get a little perspective. When you do, you will notice there was a whole forest you couldn't see before because you were too close to one particular tree, focusing on the bark or one branch. Coaching you personally in your everyday living and working environment, Stevo will use his 30 years of experience and research to see and spot things you may normally miss, because it’s a lot easier for him to see the big picture as he’s outside and not in the middle of it. In other words, sometimes the thing we need most is an outside opinion and perspective from someone who has been around the block a time or two – someone who isn’t distracted by the everyday things that keep you from your main goals.
Unlimited 24/7 access to Stevo’s phone. ($5,000 value)
Our free mobile voice and text app will allow you to communicate through live voice (like a walkie talkie), texts, or photos.
30 one on one’s with Stevo ($4,500 value)
30 personal, 1 on 1 Phone Calls with Stevo per year.
2 Exclusive V.I.P. Happy U Mastermind Admissions ($2,000 value)
You and a guest get to come to the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Steve’s hometown, for a 2 day Happy U intensive (you are responsible for your travel expenses)
Exclusive tour guide information upon request. Get Stevo’s favorite Happy Life hang out spots.
At this event you will receive an exclusive 30 minute hot seat where we specifically focus on you and the questions you have about your life, business, family and more.
Exclusive access to Stevo’s teachings live.
“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].” Napoleon Hill.
Happy Lifer Mastermind is an invite only “round table” style group where the members dialogue, challenge and brainstorm with each other, to help each member achieve personal and/or business success. Since Happy Lifer Masterminds are for Happy Life Coaching clients only, they will be attended by committed individuals who have literally “bought in” to the community of Happy Lifers.
Platinum package is $7,500 year/$677 month